Genre: Fantasy/Romance

Erris, the Automaton, was a wonderful character and i loved his method of communicating with Nim, and how close they grew over their conversations.
Erris's frustration at not being able to move and speak was clear as day, and i couldn't help but feel for him and Nim as they desperately try to find a way to restore him to his fairy body.
Along with the romance between Erris and Nim, there's also quite a bit of action, magic and mystery which, in my opnion, were written brilliantly.
To summarise, this book is emotional, magical, original, romantic and fun, to say the least.
My only issue was that it could have been longer and some areas could have been a bit better explained (for example, it would have been nice for a bit more background on the fairy/human wars), but these are minor criticisms, and i for one will definately be looking out for more of Dolamore's writing in the fututre, can't wait for book two!

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