Target Audience: Adults
Genre: Steampunk/Romance
Wow, this book was something else! And i mean that in the best possible way. I laughed, i gasped and i laughed some more because this book is funny in a way that i've rarely seen before.
Genre: Steampunk/Romance

Alexia Tarabotti is a half-Italian spinster who also happens to be soulless, meaning she can neutralise supernatural abilities simply by touch.
The novel starts with Alexia being attacked by a vampire who she then accidentally kills with her parasol and a wooden hair pin (no i'm not joking).
Lord Maccon then interferes and there begins one of the best character parings i've ever seen, as he tried to uncover the mystery of vanishing vampires and vanishing werewolves. Meanwhile, Alexia decides to poke her nose in as well, determined to help out.
Alexia and Lord Maccon have to be the best characters in the book. The way they verbally bounce off each other is hilarious and i laughed myself stupid imagining the 'hedgehog incident' that is mentioned on several occasions.
The romance between them was beautifully written, and Alexia and Lord Maccons chemistry was electric and all the more believable because of it.
Gail Carriger shows that she is a woman with ideas in this alternate history paranormal tale. Not only does she have ideas, but Carriger knows how to execute them. Soulless is a refreshing and wildly amusing new take on the supernatural--and on the strong, capable heroine. The characters are memorable, the writing is tight, and the banter is delightfully witty.