Genre: Fantasy

Every now and again i come across a book that is so profound and potentially life changing that it leaves me with the strangest feeling when i finish it. In this case, despite the topic of death, i was left with feelings of peace and hope, which is always a good thing.
Elsewhere tells the story of Lizzie who, after being hit by a taxi cab, finds herself on route to elsewhere, the place where all people go when they die. What follows is a wonderful story of life, love, forgiveness and what it means to be truly alive as opposed to just living.
I won't lie, this is a highly emotional read and i did cry on several occasions as i watched Lizzie try and deal with losing the people she loves and then moving on. There are some truly heartbreaking scenes that literally made my breath catch in my throat, and i found myself having to blink away tears before coninuing. However, there were also some very funny scenes (mainly the ones with the dogs) and i loved some of the ideas of Elsewhere, especially the talking dogs :-)
I'll finish this review by saying that this was one of those works of fiction that is told in such detail and is so truly beautiful that i can't help but hope that it turns out to be true. An absolutely stunning novel for everyone which left me feeling wonderfully positive in so many different ways. I really can't praise it enough!

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