Before I get on with the interview, here's a little background on Heidi for those who aren't as familiar :-)

She has had various fiction and non-fiction publications, as well as various jobs, including contract archaeologist, foreign currency exchanger at Walt Disney World, foreign language teacher, and educational marketing director for a Frank Lloyd Wright house (Taken from author website)
Now onto the interview :-)
1. This is
something I always wonder about sci-fi and fantasy novels and Ambsadora especially prompted this
question. Did anything in particular inspire you to write Ambasadora?
The concept of a society obsessed not only with celebrity
and beauty but also with marrying into wealth and position came directly from our
world. We can detail it throughout history. In some ways the voyeurism of the
Ambasadora-verse is already here. No matter where we go or what we do, there is
a possibility to broadcast it any time. Some of us embrace this, or at least
accept it as a truism within a social media world. Eventually most people will,
having been born into a transparent society.
The idea of death over sterility was because an ex-boyfriend
told me that basically if I didn't want children, he didn't want to marry me. A
girl tends to remember things like that.
2. There’s a
lot of new terminology in Ambasadora; did creating all the new worlds, gadgets and
names take a long time or did it come easily to you?
To make futuristic tech sound conceivable without slapping a
clichéd or silly name on it is one of the most difficult parts of writing in an
SF world. I still struggle with it and hope my readers will get the picture
without those big expository paragraphs that slow down the action of the story.
3. Who is your
favourite character and why?
I oscillate between Sean and Rainer. Sean because he's so
lonely and has been hurt physically and emotionally in so many ways that seeing
him be consumed with Sara is heart-breakingly beautiful to me. Rainer because
he is powerful and dangerous and usually controls every situation until Sara
trips him up.
Of course now that I'm getting Greenshift ready for release, I've been loving David a lot. He's
the guy you run to when life becomes overwhelming.
4. Did you
base any of the characters on people you know?
Not consciously, but my husband and I will sometimes crowd
watch and decide where people would fit within the Ambasadora world.
5. With
regards to relationships in Ambasadora a
lot of these are polygamous, why did you decide to make this a normal part of Amabasdora’s society?
One of my undergrad degrees is in anthropology so I've
studied a fair amount of societies. There are several who do or have practiced
polygamy (one man with two or more wives), fewer who followed the tenets of
polyandry (one woman with two or more husbands), and a scarce few who actually
make group marriage work. I decided to
make this last one the model for families in Ambasadora.
To me it made sense, considering we get the hint that the
original worldship dwellers were a small group of refugees from Earth. As death
and disease took its toll, the only way to boost population and ensure a
diverse gene pool would be through multiple breeding partners. After a
generation or two, this practice would become established as tradition and
written as part of the History.
The fact that many citizens still tend toward monogamy is a
source of problems in a society where promiscuity is encouraged. That adds
another level of on-going tension.
6. There’s a
very varied caste system throughout the novel,
which would you choose to belong to if you were given the choice?
I'd like to be a contractor because it is so removed from
who I am as a person that it would be like trying on a new personality.
Granted, I don't know the difference between kung fu and karate, but I do wear a fair amount of
black. I'd have to get blue contact lenses, though and hide my emotions a
little more.
7. If you were
to go to the V-Side what name and appearance would you give yourself?
Sometimes when I'm on XBOX Live I feel like I'm in the
V-Side, especially with first person shooters. I'd make my av a female, pretty of course
because who wants an ugly av when you can have any appearance you want? And,
I'd go by the name h-bomb. That sounds pretty bad-ass, doesn’t it?
8. You have
told me that there’s a sequel to Amabasadora, can you tell myself and my
readers a little bit more about it?
Fragger is the
sequel, and as the name implies, we'll get to see more of the anti-Embassy
movement and meet some new players, while reuniting with veteran characters. I
always write from multiple POVs because I can't seem to write much on a small
Until Fragger
comes out in early December 2011, fans of David and Mari will get to read about
them in Greenshift, a novella coming
out the first of October.
9. Random
silly question time: What’s your favourite flavour ice-cream?
Ice cream is never silly—chocolate with peanut butter.
10. And
finally, Who from Ambasadora would
you like to have a lunch with and why?
Sean…and it wouldn’t be just for lunch. Why? Because Sara
said he was sexy.
I'd like to say a big thankyou to Heidi for taking the time to answer my questions and for asking me to read Ambasadora.
You can find more info on Heidi and Ambasadora by clicking here and if you want to purchase Ambasadora here are some links for you:
Amazon UK (Kindle)
Amazon USA (Kindle)
Thanks for reading guys!
You asked some wonderful questions, Leanne. Thank you for having me as a guest here at Magic of Reading!
Great interview. I've got to look this book up now, sounds interesting!
ReplyDeleteThank you both for a great interview! I enjoyed reading this interview because the questions were fun and insightful. Writing a sci-fi book sound very complicated and challenging.
ReplyDeleteHappy Reading, Writing, and Blogging,
Bona Fide Reflections
Sally and Laurielu, thanks for stopping by to learn a little more about me, my book, and my process.
ReplyDelete:) Heidi
thanks for reading everyone :-)