First of all I'd like to say a big thank you to Cyndi for asking me to review this for her, it's always an honour to be asked :-)
As usual I'll start my review with a brief, spoiler-free synopsis:
Lindsey waters is on a date when tragedy strikes and she is killed in a car accident, but for Lindsey, this is only the beginning. Soon after her death a very handsome Scot names Aiden appears who tells her he is there to transport her to heaven.
But as Lindsey and Aiden spend more time together and their attraction grows, Lindsey finds herself resisting the lure of heaven itself in order to be with him. Can love really be strong enough to transcend the boundaries of life and death?
If your reading the above and thinking it sounds to similar to other supernatural and paranormal love stories then you couldn't be more wrong. Between takes all of the elements that are needed for a good romance and has a twist of it's own.
The idea of a transporter is a fascinating thing to me, after all, how can we be expected to die and immediately know where to go? The answer? We can't. Therefore it'd be nice to have a guide, and that is what Aiden is.
This story does not start gently and I was taken aback a little (in a good way) by the beginning because I did not see it coming at all, which is weird, because I knew that Lindsey was dead from the start because of the synopsis.
In relation to that however, I will confess that the story goes a little slow just before the middle, but this soon picks up again and it wasn't much of an issue at all.
There's also a massive twist half way through that I honestly didn't see coming, and my jaw literally dropped because it was the last thing I was expecting!
I really really loved the all the trips to various times and places (although I won't say too much because I don't want to spoil anything) through the eyes of both Lindsey and Aiden. To me this made the whole afterlife seem much more adventurous and having the ability to look back at things is a fascinating concept, especially when considering the fact you may notice different things while looking at something you've already experienced (again I will say no more, I shall spoil nothing!)
Ultimately this is a romance with an historical twist and if your a Scottish fan (or if your an eighth Scottish like me) you will be drawn in by the Scottish history and landscape just like I was. If your not a Scottish fan, then it really doesn't matter because this is a truly enchanting story and not to be missed in any way, shape or form.
And as for Aiden himself, well I think I fell for him, every girl in the world young or old dreams of finding a man who is that devoted, loyal and romantic and Aiden is all that and more *swoons while typing*
I challenge any woman reading this, not to want Aiden, I really do!
In summary, I loved this novel. Cyndi has created a very imaginative and original world that has no bounds or limits, I have to admit, I would never have imagined an afterlife like this. Romantic, pacey and with several jaw-dropping twists, I think all readers will be left longing for the next in the series. Amazing book!

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