Thursday 8 March 2012

Retail Ramblings by Kevin Domenic

Release Date: 23/10/10
Retail Ramblings
Publisher: Unknown
Pages: Unknown (Kindle Edition)
Target Audience: Adults
Genre: Non-Fiction/Humour

SynopsisIf, for some demented reason, you ever have the desire to meet the most disrespectful, unreasonable, selfish, angry, impatient, and unfeeling people in the world, you may want to consider a career in customer service. 

After a decade in the industry, I can safely say that humanity is at its worst when they walk through the doors of any retail establishment and cross that boundary that separates human from customer. It's a frightful transformation not unlike the transition of man to werewolf. Usually competent people become babbling idiots, loving mothers become haggling shrews, and kindly old men turn into vicious scavengers. 

Don't believe me? This book chronicles some of the most outrageous and unbelievable encounters I've faced during my years of servitude to the retail beast. Don't let the cover page fool you. A dark world lurks within. 
Have you ever worked retail? 
I feel your pain

My Review: I can't say too much or I spoil the point of such a funny book. If you work in retail or if you don't and your on the more sympathetic side of the general public, give this a read. It's funny. So very funny. I was in stitches reading this, 

Like I said, I can't really write a lengthy review for this. All I will say is take this with a pinch of salt, and have a good think about how you are when you're shopping. Are you a nice shopper?
Oh, and the end bit about the guy's boss is simply hilarious :) I'll shut up now. Mr Domenic, I really hope you're over your anger issues now, but thanks for a really good laugh :D

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